I am EXTREMELY annoyed! And I have been for about three days in a row.
The first day was because..hmmm..can't remember much, probably lack of proper sleep, but I really can't be sure. I'm just..I don't know..feeling a bit "snappish".
The second day, it was because I waited in line for too long at the Centro Supermarket...ehem!..."express lane" counter... (i was on the verge of shouting, "Kindly remind me again WHY this is CALLED the EXPRESS LANE??!), because the cashier had some "trouble" with a certain product code or what not...and there were lots of "passing throughs", "asking questions" and "kindly wait". I ended up paying at another counter.. (the 20+ items or more type) and I got it a lot faster than the so-called express lane. That was a bit irrational of me, I must admit. Oh, and I remembered going into a store where the "sales people" behave like...yes...Trolls. My point was, WHY go into customer service if you can't handle it?? I for one, KNOW that I can't deal with too many people (because I have "quite a temper"). Therefore, I would NEVER go into customer service! I'd choose less "people" oriented or mostly solitary jobs (which was what I think I'd done). But no, these people are different. They'd be better off as sepulchers somewhere, I know. And what's up with sales people who insist on dogging your footsteps while you browse through?! I haven't found anything MORE annoying than that. "I will ask for your help when I need it, thank you. Now, kindly leave me in peace while I have a look around. Don't worry, I'm not a shop lifter or anything. Oh, and I can also read and think for myself -so you won't need to buzz around like a mosquito- what I don't know, I'll ask!" There are also sales people who cannot seem to answer with a concise "yes" or "no". They go "yes, and...blah, blah, blah" or "no, but...blah, blah, blah". And the more they blab, the more I lose interest in remotely buying anything. Mostly happens in clothing/accessory stores - yes, even in "brand" stores, but less frequent - I've lost interest in buying clothes sometime ago (the repeated "trying ons" and preening in the dressing room mirror was just not my "way"), these days I just give my size and ask my mother or a friend to get it for me. I'm not too "fussy" with clothes so...not much of a problem.
Hmmmm...what I'm about to say next may be somewhat related. I used to "watch" my cousin's mini-store in Sta. Rosa, Laguna (I was 15? 16?) The reason I got "kicked out" - but not really, because I had a bad case of head cold and nasal allergies - too much pollution - I decided to go home - was (maybe) because I was "too honest" with customers and yes, you've guessed it, I have a nasty temper when "provoked". There was one guy who kept asking "is this original?" (of course I was quite "nice" -or as nice as I can be at the be - at the beginning, I told him the sound was quite alright) - pertaining to a "pirated cd/tape" - and it was clear that he really wasn't going to buy anything, I replied with a very terse, "Obvious, isn't t?! If you're looking for original cd's go to either Oddessey or Radiocity!" That's when I learned my lesson. I won't get into customer service.
Besides, I only frequent (in person) stores like National Bookstore (no dogging, no blabbing, sales clerk stands like Buckingham Palace guards until you ask them something, no overly-solicitous and very fake looking smiles - just a simple "welcome" and "come back soon" was quite enough), BookSale and Odessey.
The third day (meaning today!) - back to the main topic - it was because of another customer "asking questions" again, but I have explained all the facts and principles to her months ago, very clearly! But as Hermione put it, her head seems to be "thicker than a concussed troll"! A little "technicality" won't kill you, I swear!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
What we do in life echoes in eternity...

I'd do Richard Harris next (as Emperor Marcus Aurelious) and maybe Connie Nielsen (as Lucilla), I'm not really sure if I'd include Joaquin Pheonix as Commodus (I find his character both pitiful and loathsome).
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Harry Potter and The Confederacy of Dunces
I found several Anti-Harry Potter (there's currently a campaign by "uber-christians" to ban Harry Potter merchandise because they allegedly promote paganism, witchcraft, and interest in the occult! - of course, ignoring all other more important values promoted in the book - such as loyalty, humility, friendship and courage in the face of dire circumstances) articles while surfing the net during lunch hour. Gave me loads of laugh and then some amount of irritation. Majority of the essays were downright mental! (most were written by so-called experts, pastors of various churches, "christian fundamentalists" as well as a bunch of self-righteous individuals/groups who think that any kind of departure from the so-called "norm" ought to be punishable by death...O_o) Literary rubbish to be sure (particularly a "novel" ^0^ written by one Michael D. O'Brien), although I did try to become "objective" in considering their arguments.
One of their strongest arguments was that too much exposure to the "evil that is Harry Potter" would thereby cause children to become enamored in the occult and "forget their christian roots" (which according to them is the source of all that is good - hmmm? has anyone heard of the Crusades?). Anyway, let's put it this way, I'm a videogamer and I play really violent games (Medal of Honour, Resident Evil, Silent Hill - shooting people and disturbing imagery's the norm in games like these). But do you see me shooting people in real life??
One of their strongest arguments was that too much exposure to the "evil that is Harry Potter" would thereby cause children to become enamored in the occult and "forget their christian roots" (which according to them is the source of all that is good - hmmm? has anyone heard of the Crusades?). Anyway, let's put it this way, I'm a videogamer and I play really violent games (Medal of Honour, Resident Evil, Silent Hill - shooting people and disturbing imagery's the norm in games like these). But do you see me shooting people in real life??
Monday, October 17, 2005
Open Mouth, Insert Foot! O_o
Edit: I was right. He did see it at The Force. Net. :)
Just had a semi-embarassing incident concerning a fan mail (eh?! believe it or not, I have managed to garner so-called "fans" - I have recently received a set of CDs from a certain Jenny Kong from the US, a fellow DeviantArt-ist, although this was most likely due to the fact that we are both Full Metal Alchemist fans). Mainly from submitting art works to various websites like Phatooine.Net, DeviantArt.Com and IrkenEmpire.Com (Home of Star Wars Alternate Universe - in which I'm a regular illustrator). Maybe I'll quit and become a full-time illustrator instead. Fat chance, though. ;)
The "incident" started when I received an email from a guy called Eddie (he even sent me his photo - in full Colorado Army National Guard uniform - holding a combat rifle o_o), in which he told me how much he appreciates the emotional content of my work(s). "Very deep", he said (although for some reason I'm a bit perplexed by this description. Very deep? very deep??). At the same time, he also asked me if I could write back and explain the idea or ideas behind (inspiration, background, how it was done most likely) the work(s). So, I responded quite enthusiastically. I described my various works as he asked, telling him my personal insight. I clicked the "send" button and off the letter goes!
A few minutes later, I got a very confused response. Apparently he was talking about artworks which I have failed to mention in my email - in other words, it was entirely something else! - he says it was "the Amidala and Vader" picture (likely a digitally created montage), which I cannot remember making (I have submitted various stuff at the web and I can't seem to remember most of it nowadays, except for the ones at DA, Phat and IE). He must have seen it at TFN or Moons of Iego, or some site I can no longer recall! And there I was rambling on and on about "Goodnight Padme", "Skywalker Family" and "Young Anakin" portraits! hah! embarrassing...eeeeeeeeemmmmmbarrrassssing. :lol:
Excuse me while I go crawl under a rock where I belong. :D
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Go to the right back alley...you can find anything.
nothing much going on. be right back.
EDIT: Back, found this very interesting stuff on Reethinking Life followed the link from The Gil Mind.
7 things that used to scare me (btw, some of them still scare me):
EDIT: Back, found this very interesting stuff on Reethinking Life followed the link from The Gil Mind.
7 things that used to scare me (btw, some of them still scare me):
- sound of the power saw (chainsaw) - my number one fear. we used to live near a lumber owned land (Bay, Laguna), the sound of the chainsaw will cause me to climb the table or hide in any other area where i feel i'd be safe (there was an incident wherein i tried to climb my father's back!).
- aswang/manananggal/freddy kreuger/jason voorhees/ - all sorts of fictional monsters, especially the "cha bun kwa" (w/c was actually the name of a lion in an old reader's digest issue) and the "sipay" (they kidnap young children, or so my parents say).
- wells and deep, dark holes on the ground.
- darkness (dark places)
- failure
- humiliation
- certain kinds of people.
7 things that scare me now:
- failure
- losing my right hand (aka my drawing hand)
- not being able to transform my thoughts into artworks (there are times when my creative juices run dry - i get intensely scared and frustrated)
- getting very horrible injuries.
- being bogged down by chronic depression/obssessive tendencies.
- losing my mind.
- not knowing my purpose
- books
- sketch pads (all sorts of drawing paper), pencils, ink
- video games (i'm a playstation addict - especially survival-horror and rpgs)
- food
- psychology, crime, the paranormal
- witty jokes
- music (can go from rock to classical)
- I like spending a great deal of my time alone (especially when i'm working on something).
- I'm often thought of as someone aloof, inconsiderate and even self-centered (i forget birthdays, forget to call or text my friends, and even forget to apologize etc.) But I bear no ill intentions, things just happen to slip from my mind. heh.
- I like eating "viscera" or "entrails" (excluding human ones!) - I especially prefer the heart, brains and lungs.
- I suffer from mild to severe mood swings and chronic absent-mindedness -here but not here-.
- I hate overwhelming odours (perfumes, smoke) - although I happen to like the smell of gasoline and rugby! O_o
- I like to read.
- I like to drink vinegar (this i don't know why!)
7 important things in my bedroom: the bedroom, hmmm. but i sleep in the "sala" now.
- my cabinet(s), where I store my various collections.
- clothes (of course).
- movie collection.
- pencils & papers/sketch book(s) - (have to have one handy in case i get a sudden impulse to draw something!)
- CD player/CDs
- the playstation/game cds
- books
7 things i plan to do before i die (seems too early for that): because according to www.deathclock.com i'm set to hit the grave on 2056. hehehe!
- paint and draw (as many as i possibly can!) or illustrate a book.
- actually finish a story (i've had lots of ideas but i run out of steam before i could actually come down to writing it! or i finish a couple of chapters but suddenly suffer from writer's block!) or publish a comic book.
- visit transylvania, alcatraz, auschwitz (and all the nazi camps all over europe) and the holocaust memorial.
- stabilize the family finances.
- build a cabin/house on a remote, mountainous area. (this idea i had since i was a child - never lost it's appeal)
- work on DreamWorks, Lucas Digital or Squaresoft (character designer, illustrator or even matte painter)
- stay in a place found "between nowhere and goodbye" (if you've seen MDB, you'll know "where" that is!)
7 things i can do:
- write
- draw
- cross stitch
- cook
- design websites
- make comic books
- walk long distances (something i happen to enjoy)
7 things i can't do
- sing!
- dance!
- talk for long periods of time (that's why i prefer written communication).
- interact with a large number of people (i get dizzy and disoriented after a while)
- sit still for long (i'll stamp my feet and drum my fingers)
- apologize (?) well, not really but it takes a great deal before i can, even if i'm the one who's wrong. but i'm working on it!
- babysit for a long period of time (i tend to lose my patience).
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex
- the IT factor (right attitude above all)
- unusual face (could vary)
- witty conversation
- sense of humor
- intellect
- some special skill--cooking, playing an instrument, singing, dancing, whatever
- integrity
7 things i say the most
- lintek!
- pucha!
- sieteng unggoy!
- naman!
- naloko na!
- why? or at bakit?
- ano kayang problema (mo/nya/non/ko)?
Monday, October 10, 2005
Liquid Generation
Just some really funny quiz results I got from Liquid Generation (http://liquidgeneration.com), quite an amusing site. Funny questions, funny results. :)
Which Movie Hero Are You?

Well, I happen to like Jack Sparrow. No complaints. I share some of his personality traits. Except the part of being a "motor-mouth" and I don't act like a stupid drunk (at least not in public!) As for the "sometimes smart", that's true. I get good ideas from time to time, but yes, I could do really stupid things (and you do not want to be near me when it happens), usually with near "apocalyptic" results. :D
The Ultimate Star Wars Personality Test

Not 100% true. For one thing, I don't have feathered hair and I'm not very sure I have a good heart (well, i'm not inclined to murder anybody, so i guess that's a sign).
Which Movie Hero Are You?
Well, I happen to like Jack Sparrow. No complaints. I share some of his personality traits. Except the part of being a "motor-mouth" and I don't act like a stupid drunk (at least not in public!) As for the "sometimes smart", that's true. I get good ideas from time to time, but yes, I could do really stupid things (and you do not want to be near me when it happens), usually with near "apocalyptic" results. :D
The Ultimate Star Wars Personality Test
Not 100% true. For one thing, I don't have feathered hair and I'm not very sure I have a good heart (well, i'm not inclined to murder anybody, so i guess that's a sign).
Thursday, October 06, 2005
some random randomness
the headache does not want to go away. sometimes, i think i might have brain tumor or something. but wait, the ache isn't tumor-like, not sharp, more of a constant dull ache at the back of my head and behind my eyes.
what else? i am also broke. hehehe. not a cent on my pocket. i walked all the way from my house to the office. not that it bothers me a lot, i'm used to walking long distances (did it a lot during my elementary and high school days), even during rainy seasons. speaking of rainy seasons, i suddenly remembered staying on the park with friends during a signal no. 2 storm. teh. trees swingin' in the breeze(!) my friend has a bit of a family misunderstanding and does not want -resolutely- to go home. me and my bestfriend are very reluctant to leave him (can't just leave a guy in the middle of a storm, can you?)...so we stayed and the three of us ate home made "siomai" while giving each other bits of bad advice! :)
heh. another thing, sometimes i feel like g.i. jane. my bestfriend during elementary was a guy. during high school most of my peers were guys (although my bestfriend was a girl - who was more like a little sister because she was terribly immature - in fact, i cannot think of a single reason why i hung out with her! - * must have my head examined*), and during fourth year (i transferred), i'm part of the Bioman clique (three guys, two girls). anyway, guys make better friends than girls, in my opinion. they mean what they say, you'd rarely get duplicity from them (i don't know, maybe the fact that i was raised by my father -mostly- and that i had one other sibling -brother-was a contributing factor) and easier to talk to. of course i had women (and gay) friends as well, but they're a lot like me, sort of the "ellen ripley/lara croft" type. can't be helped.
it's saturday tomorrow, i'm going to sleep till noon. wah! and maybe work on my drawing techniques after a while. ah...
what else? i am also broke. hehehe. not a cent on my pocket. i walked all the way from my house to the office. not that it bothers me a lot, i'm used to walking long distances (did it a lot during my elementary and high school days), even during rainy seasons. speaking of rainy seasons, i suddenly remembered staying on the park with friends during a signal no. 2 storm. teh. trees swingin' in the breeze(!) my friend has a bit of a family misunderstanding and does not want -resolutely- to go home. me and my bestfriend are very reluctant to leave him (can't just leave a guy in the middle of a storm, can you?)...so we stayed and the three of us ate home made "siomai" while giving each other bits of bad advice! :)
heh. another thing, sometimes i feel like g.i. jane. my bestfriend during elementary was a guy. during high school most of my peers were guys (although my bestfriend was a girl - who was more like a little sister because she was terribly immature - in fact, i cannot think of a single reason why i hung out with her! - * must have my head examined*), and during fourth year (i transferred), i'm part of the Bioman clique (three guys, two girls). anyway, guys make better friends than girls, in my opinion. they mean what they say, you'd rarely get duplicity from them (i don't know, maybe the fact that i was raised by my father -mostly- and that i had one other sibling -brother-was a contributing factor) and easier to talk to. of course i had women (and gay) friends as well, but they're a lot like me, sort of the "ellen ripley/lara croft" type. can't be helped.
it's saturday tomorrow, i'm going to sleep till noon. wah! and maybe work on my drawing techniques after a while. ah...
Flippant Quote of the Day: "Never go to bed angry, always stay up and plot your revenge!" - Anon. :D
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Resident Evil : A New Blood

Resident Evil 4 Screenshots
Haven't gotten around to playing the new Resident Evil 4. Graphics were topnotch, game play's superb. I love the atmosphere. Dark and brooding. They brought Leon Scott Kennedy back, Umbrella's gone underground. Another good thing. Hope I'll have time.
I'm a bit depressed today. Don't know why.
Anyway, the world seems a bit closer to Resident Evil when I'm depressed. Another generally bad day. A splitting headache....ach. Lack of sleep...prime reason?? I have not been sleeping good lately. I wake up during the wee hours of the morning and can't sleep again. Can't think of anything else to say...
I'm a bit depressed today. Don't know why.
Anyway, the world seems a bit closer to Resident Evil when I'm depressed. Another generally bad day. A splitting headache....ach. Lack of sleep...prime reason?? I have not been sleeping good lately. I wake up during the wee hours of the morning and can't sleep again. Can't think of anything else to say...
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