Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Million Dollar Question and Signs of the Future

I must whine. Yes, "whine" (widdle, twaddle). Why? Because I must (and don't you dare stop me!), and I'm generally very good at whining. But first, let us define the word "whine". Let's see, according to "The American Heritage Dictionary",

To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
To complain or protest in a childish fashion.

Now, that's the formal definition of "whine". But I will simply define it as "to complain". Oh, another similar word would be "gripe". Adults don't whine. They gripe! Why the sudden interest? Because the succeeding paragraphs will consist solely of complaints. And if you do not wish to be bored to tears, I suggest you stop reading now. (i mean, in case someone actually bothers to read, but, whatever, i couldn't care less.)

Anyway, let's start. First, the "Million Dollar Question", which, unfortunately cannot be disclosed. I do not want to sound too pathetic (widdle, twaddle, waddle); so, I'll keep the question to myself. This particular bit of inquiry has been plaguing me for the past, uh, 10 or so years. Since I was in high school? (not too sure) maybe. I have searched far and wide, high and low, sideways, down-under, over there, left and right, top to bottom for the answer, but no luck! I cannot find either a psychological nor a scientific one (i'd be glad if there was a scientific answer), a mathematical one, perhaps? or literary? cultural??

0_0! But I won't give up!

My search wasn't entirely in vain, however. I managed to find "tid-bits", "half-truths" and then some. But I can't settle for those, can I?? Some answers were so unsatisfactory that they cannot even be considered answers (like the ones I got from my parents and some of my "friends"). Although, I am very much aware that there is no such thing as an absolute truth, I must, nonetheless find something closer to it. Otherwise, I will be driven to complete and utter madness! Why?? Why?? You tell me!

Next, The Signs and Omens of the Future.

I was sitting on the couch last, last Sunday. Doing the usual things -the usual for those who don't have a "life" -that is, as defined by our society -, mainly cross-stitching, drawing (i'm almost done with Lindbergh), playing videogames, what have you; when i had a sudden vision of "clarity", meaning, I saw the future (not career-wise, but as a person). No. No. No. I'm not talking about messiah-scale types (i did not faint, convulsed, spoken in strange tongues or voices- otherwise, I wouldn't be here, I'd be somewhere deep in the mountains, hiding in caves, waiting for the end of all things or speaking in vast auditoriums, having thousands of followers or, if i'm not too lucky, in a mental health institution). Just an understanding. Here are the signs:

The Needle, The Apartment, The Book, The Job, The Sketch Pad. The Illustrator and The Musician (I have an ink drawing of that, might show you sometime).

Oh, and not only that. I dreamt of Willy Wonka. No. Not Johnny Depp. Willy Wonka. What could be scarier than to have Willy Wonka in your future!

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