That old "sense of injustice" is coming back again. Maybe it's because I never really got the answer to that "monumental" question, "WHY?!" I also need to check my temper again, these days it's steadily rising dangerously close to the surface. I actually hate it when I get angry (heh! what a statement). Besides the fact that being in a "rage" is quite taxing, I tend to get an urge to break/destroy things (but I manage to restrain myself most of the time). So far I've only broken the "magnetic designs" on the fridge when I slammed the door in a fit of fury (I think we were discussing the "meaning of life", which got me worked up so much - it's like all old bile rising). *sigh* I guess I'm not taking my own advice. I need to focus on more "healthy" ways of dissipating anger...*shakes head*
And I'm back to my old "disengage/ignore tactics" again. Not a good sign. It's not good to be "Ikari-esque". They tend to alienate those around me (as the incident with my brother proved). Sometimes, I get ashamed of my bahaviour, but that has never been enough to "actually" change it. I do consider myself "well-armored" - by that I mean, I have an arsenal of pretty well-developed defense mechanisms from my years in the "slam". ;)
On to the main topic:
And I'm back to my old "disengage/ignore tactics" again. Not a good sign. It's not good to be "Ikari-esque". They tend to alienate those around me (as the incident with my brother proved). Sometimes, I get ashamed of my bahaviour, but that has never been enough to "actually" change it. I do consider myself "well-armored" - by that I mean, I have an arsenal of pretty well-developed defense mechanisms from my years in the "slam". ;)
On to the main topic:
It all started when my bro (as I have mentioned in my previous posts) lent me a copy of this anime. It's based on a MMPORPG (massively multi-player online role-playing game - think Ragnarok) of the same title, or so I've read. I have only seen the first two episodes, and I immediately liked the main protagonist (Tsukasa - guy at the foreground), which rarely happens. He sort of reminded me of myself - a bit "cold", "unfriendly" and generally "stand-offish", sometimes to the point of "apparent" rudeness (wahahaha). I've been doing some "background reading" as I hate being thrust into the "unknown" without even an aota of information. According to one reviewer, Tsukasa's character makes Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion - one of the most mentally/emotionally taxing shows I've ever seen, there's also the fact that almost all characters have some sort of mental affliction - which makes it on top of my favourites) seem out-going and social (wahahaha :p) Oh, the character designer of .hack//SIGN happens to be Yoshiyuki Sadamoto [ah! Sadamoto-sensei!] (the same guy who did EVA), an added bonus!
I asked my father to get episodes 3-10 for me (four CDs). I'm planning to get Z.O.E (Zone of the Enders) next (ack! that's why I need more money!) I calculated the costs already. [dot]hack has 28 episodes, which means I need to get 14 CDs (which amounts to 350php) >.< *sigh* I also need to complete Hellsing (4 CDs to go).
.hack//SIGN is intensely character-driven (and there's also the tendency of characters to sound like they were on "Oprah" - they sometimes drone on and on, but this is a plus factor for me - lots of introspection) and has extremely "slow" phasing (episodes will pass without much "action" - but one needs to look closer). A lot of "shoot-em-up" fans complain about this (as they expect lots of fighting..err), although more "patient" ones regard this as .hack's strong points. The music is excellent, most of the song-inserts remind me of Enya. :)
Last, last Saturday I also had the opportunity to watch AKIRA (internationally acclaimed masterpiece by Katsuhiro Otomo). His works tend to deal with the concept of "absolute freedom". Of course themes like friendship, loyalty, hate, intolerance and such were dealt with in such a realistic way, despite the futuristic setting. Such a bittersweet ending. ;) The artwork was simply gorgeous. Otomo-sensei had such a way with "details".
I asked my father to get episodes 3-10 for me (four CDs). I'm planning to get Z.O.E (Zone of the Enders) next (ack! that's why I need more money!) I calculated the costs already. [dot]hack has 28 episodes, which means I need to get 14 CDs (which amounts to 350php) >.< *sigh* I also need to complete Hellsing (4 CDs to go).
.hack//SIGN is intensely character-driven (and there's also the tendency of characters to sound like they were on "Oprah" - they sometimes drone on and on, but this is a plus factor for me - lots of introspection) and has extremely "slow" phasing (episodes will pass without much "action" - but one needs to look closer). A lot of "shoot-em-up" fans complain about this (as they expect lots of fighting..err), although more "patient" ones regard this as .hack's strong points. The music is excellent, most of the song-inserts remind me of Enya. :)
Last, last Saturday I also had the opportunity to watch AKIRA (internationally acclaimed masterpiece by Katsuhiro Otomo). His works tend to deal with the concept of "absolute freedom". Of course themes like friendship, loyalty, hate, intolerance and such were dealt with in such a realistic way, despite the futuristic setting. Such a bittersweet ending. ;) The artwork was simply gorgeous. Otomo-sensei had such a way with "details".
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