Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Chosen One & The People's Princess

Anakin Skywalker - A Portrait by ~leiaskywalker83 on deviantART

There you go, for January. Anakin Skywalker.
second coloured work.

original title:
Anakin Skywalker : At one with the Force

coloured pencils. decided to make it look like as though he is fading.

Diana - The People's Princess by ~leiaskywalker83 on deviantART

lady diana frances spencer
1961 - 1997

coloured pencils. different style. i actually loved this one more than the more er..."organized" anakin piece (although i like that one tremendously). shows more "personality" and "motion".

and...a little bit. been reading about how kate middleton is the next diana (er...no i dont think so, no one is the next diana. period. kate does not have diana's charisma, in my opinion.)

well...havent updated for a while.

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