Wednesday, December 20, 2006

new layout and stuff

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

ah..decided a bit of editing on my minitokyo account. i get lazy with coding sometimes but here you go.visit my account at:
its actually a repository of my old anime drawings...nyahaha..done ages ago. havent done anything new lately (as im concentrating on portraiture)...but im doing a relena peacecraft drawing currently (cinq kingdom clothes of course).

never you mind that i went overboard and did "I support" banners...hehehe...some little whim of mine. also changed the heading to FMA banner (more suitable than claricexhannibal).

im also working on other layouts for websites im planning to publish in the future. im getting the hang of it again... ^___^ ill try to insert flash animations here and there like i did before..

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


amidala by ~leiaskywalker83-2 on deviantART

another creation. just wanted to illustrate several points in her life.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

"In Disillusionment and Despair"

My first coloured in a long time. Julianne Moore (one of my favourite actresses, I think she's talented and beautiful too, not "girly" beautiful but more like "Warrior Princess" beautiful) as Clarice Starling. Not Done yet. But...Im quite proud of it, I think I captured Starling's personality in "Hannibal" Era. No longer the naive, young trainee. But a seasoned FBI Agent (if a bit disillusioned).

As of the moment, im moving in to coloured stuff. But they wont be "that" photorealistic anymore, as I have no wish to become a human photocopier. That is NOT the point of a portrait. I'll go for slightly realistic but with more "emotion" in it.

Not done yet, though. The paper was a bit thin and all. This is more like a "study" in preparation for other coloured portraits.
I used coloured pencils here.

For the rest of my stuff please check:

Anyway, Agent Clarice Starling remains one my most favourite characters (Padme Amidala, Leia Organa & Eowyn of Rohan follow). The truth is I am pretty much disillusioned with my own life. All the things I wanted to do. It appears as though I keep hitting a glass ceiling.And nothing of import seems to be happening. Im just a drone, breathing but not living. Better if Dementors sucked my soul. Ive just read this fabulous article comparing Clarice with Mina (Harker) and how "Hannibal" is the modern "Dracula". I think the author was absolutely right.

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Soldier and the Pacifist

le soldat et le pacifiste by ~leiaskywalker83-2 on deviantART

peaceful words by ~leiaskywalker83-2 on deviantART

hehehe...heero et relena. never mind the fancy french title. still my favourite. i have a vague idea why.first anime wallpaper id done in years.

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Scientist

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets, and ask me your questions
Oh let's go back to the start
Running in circles, coming up tails
Heads on a silence apart

Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said that it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start

I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart
Tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

...flows forever...

River Phoenix - Stand By Me by ~leiaskywalker83 on deviantART

my latest drawing obviously.
"I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you, I throw up!" - Stand by Me (1986)

Monday, November 06, 2006

...stop crying your heart out...

Hold up... hold on... don't be scared
You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile... Shine on... Don't be scared
Your destiny may keep you warm.

'Cause all of the stars are fading away
Just try not to worry you'll see them some day
Take what you need and be on your way
And stop crying your heart out

Get up... Come on... why you scared
You'll never change what been and gone

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

...higher than reason...

The shrine is located
in the front room of the house.
For some unknown reason
it’s been neglected for too long.
You claim it’s not a problem,
but I take it all so hard.
So when is it a problem
if you push it all so far?

Higher than reason
higher than reason
is nowhere.
Higher than reason
higher than reason
is nowhere.

My soul is defended
by the will to stay alive.
For some unknown reason
I can’t keep that will for long.
It all needs rebuilding.
And my hands are scratched and scarred.
So when is it a problem
if I take it all so hard?

Higher than reason
higher than reason
is nowhere.
Higher than reason
is no reason
is nowhere.
Higher than reason
higher than reason
is nowhere.

If you lived here in my place,
would you eat off my plate?
Or throw it aside,
and curse your ugly fate?

Higher than reason
higher than reason
is nowhere.
Higher than reason
higher than reason
is nowhere.
Higher than reason
higher than reason
is nowhere.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

remember remember...

...the fifth of november.

new V for Vendetta wallpaper I made.

v 4 vendetta wallpaper by ~leiaskywalker83-2 on deviantART

In for a long vacation. No work on Nov. 1. yey!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

10.24.06 - new montage

Connection was sort of F*cked this morning so I did this one.;p

Harry Potter Trinity2 by ~leiaskywalker83-2 on deviantART

Mine eyes are hurting due to a lengthy post at My God I haven't written anything as long as that in a while. ')

Saturday, October 21, 2006

daily blurbs 22.10.06

PersonalWeb - EowynFaramir by ~leiaskywalker83-2 on deviantART
New Layout for My Personal Site (still experimental) Feat. Eowyn and Faramir from LotR.

I found Jessica Zafra's Blog

Finally...well, I wasn't really looking for it (actively looking I mean). Just a had a brief mental "storm" (seizure) and Googled "Jessica Zafra". And voila....there her blog is. Actually it's more like blogs ( - she doesn't update this one anymore, she has since moved to: - a very telling title.)

Always enjoyed reading her articles, they tend to be funny, ironic and (seems) makes sense (most of the time anyway). ;)

I found a new River Phoenix picture

Isn't it unhealthy to be obssessed (translates to merely interested) with a dead guy? But I am about to make a portrait of him. Yep. Will start it when I go home next, next week (salary week). Again, isn't that unhealthy? But then...I've always been a bit on the ET side.

I started new drawings

Started was the word.
1. Isolde - played by Sophia Myles. eherm. I got the likeness spot on and everything. But I'm still wondering when I'll finish it.
2. Wolverine - whatever happened to "I intend to finish it by October." Hahaha. I haven't got even 3/4s of it done!
3. Mary Jensen (from Kingdom Hospital) - See picture below. I'm using my "lazy-ass style" for this one. I think it's more suited to the "mood" of the picture (whatever that statement might mean). ;p

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

....i worry about you...while you're gone....

Listening to: "Waiting for You" - Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
(Silent Hill OST)

Just finished watching Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital DVD. I thought it was pretty good. Certainly weird, but in a good way.

The Cast of Characters

Most favourite character was Dr. Hook and of course Mary Jensen and Antubis/Anubis.
The opening song got stuck in my head as well...."Bye bye Baby, don't be long. I worry about you while you're gone."

Another depressive episode just passed me by. Gone by tonight, thank the Maker. I'm going home tomorrow.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Keep your friends close....and there was a Hurricane...storm...whatever...

Harry Potter Trinity by ~leiaskywalker83 on deviantART

Well. The Trio (as they appear on the 4th movie). Harry. Ron. Hermione. Can't get enough of them. Can't wait for the 5th film.

Last Seen: "Cinderella Man"
Reading: "Angela's Ashes" by Frank McCourt

There was a storm last, last thursday (no I won't be bothered with dates). Wasn't able to come home and all...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

JediDawn Version 4.0

JediDawn Version 4.0 by ~leiaskywalker83-2 on deviantART

Would-be layout of Jedidawn. Hope I can stick around long enough to finish. :p Just a bit put out...wait...I've written this somewhere else...can't remember...

For the concept...most of it was pretty accidental. I make as I go...Actually this was supposed to be wallpaper. But then I decided to go ahead and make it an Interface anyway. The Padme and Leia concept was pretty nice IMHO. As an added touch I put Padme's words : "Be good little Senators. Mind your manners and keep your heads down. And keep doing… all those things we can't talk about. All those things I can't know. Promise me, Bail." But clipped some of it.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Attempt @ Photoshop-ing after so long...

Listening to: "Colder" by Charon

Star Wars Wallpaper by ~leiaskywalker83-2 on deviantART

Yey! What you see above is the result of my first attempt at making a wallpaper after 6 months or so. Used to waste my time making things like that when I still work at MSC (that was back in San Pablo).I forgot some techniques but thankfully, everything seems to be coming back gradually (I'm semi-satisfied with this one). I'm thinking of making another site layout or something. I'm still thinking of the concept though. ;D I plan to make more of these if I have time. But then...

Discovered another song today. I thought it was pretty neat. Shall I share it to you then?


[music: Charon, lyrics: J-P Leppäluoto]

Come along with the whispering cold and fall
They left you nothing more to seek from here
So roll the feast in flames unforgettable
Take a bow to end, reload your remorse
Every line is thorn bite through your eyes

Still remains the everlasting hope for a bitter war
If it has made you colder turning your life for justice
They have learned to obey
Broken the rules I followed, burning for name so hollow
I will learn to obey

Among the weak and heartless I can breath the air veiled just like them

Still remains the everlasting hope for a bitter war
If it has made you colder turning your life for justice
They have learned to obey

If it has made you colder
They have learned to obey
Broken the rules I followed
I will learn to obey

Friday, September 22, 2006

I Still Know What I Did These Past Two Days

Last Movie(s) Seen: The Interpreter; Flight Plan; Blue Moon
Book of the Moment: "Four Past Midnight" by Stephen King (and I thought I promised to lay off him for a while ;p)
Listening To: "Feel Your Breeze" by V6

Ok...back from my day off (two days - thursday and friday). Spent most of my thursday SLEEPING. Can you believe that?? After I got home I went straight to don't really know if it's to say the...BATHROOM. Had a bad case of stomach upset (and that's putting it lightly!) Thank the Force I did the bus. Geez!

So...AFTER that. I went to the "town proper" to get a few things done. First stop Video City (it's been kind of a routine, I rent three films - one "serious", one "thriller" and one "tagalog" - for my mum), where I got the the films mentioned above. Then I'm off to buy viand (as in "ulam") and have another CD written (finally I have my own copy of "How to Save a LIfe" by The Fray, ain't that great?) and back home again. Come evening I watched "Blue Moon" with mum. Quite a decent story (a Palanca-winning script after all), the ending and all this "Corazon-business" really threw us off as in "ganon pala yun!". Then there's "Flightplan" - a bit boredom-sleep inducing, and the protagonist gets a bit annoying at times (although that's quite understandable as she lost her daughter and all...Jodie Foster is still at her best and I think I've fallen in-love with Sean Bean's Captain character, next time I fly I want captains like this one - I'd really feel safe). I tried to watch "The Interpreter" too, but come on! it's 01:00 in the morning. I need my sleep so...I'd pass it for...

Friday Listened to my new CD (and imagined all sorts of MTVs). My cousin grace came along with my nephew (really cute kid he is). Watched "The Interpreter" (two times actually - once in the morning and once in the evening) and loved it tremendously....great story (although not without a few plot holes), great characters (and a few no-so-great). Nicole Kidman (hey...just noticed I've been watching a lot of Kidman flicks...though that is not intentional...I swear!) and Sean Penn did justice to their respective roles. Started a new drawing - Wolverine Last Stand - which I intend to finish this coming October. I'm getting lazy with these things lately - look at Anakin/Vader. Anyway, just to have something for the month of September, I'll make do with "The Potter Trio". I'll finish it next week and have it scanned! That thing's been rotting on my cabinet anyhow...I started it last July and what date it is now??? I'll DEFINITELY submit it! FAITO-0!!!

I also made a couple of "Get-Lists".

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I say...Feel Your Breeze....


Well, I'm nightshift today. I spent the rest of my day watching...what else? Gokusen Live Action. I bought the DVD (I guess the Japanese original was way better. GMA7 mutilated the show). I wasn't able to finish all the episodes (got as far as um...episode 10 - I'll finish it next week probably, mine eyes are already watering, been watching since 10:00 in the morning and I stopped at what...7:00 in the evening...can you say addicted). I can't even begin to say how much I like (no LOVE) the series. It's definitely dramatic (without being too blatant). I particularly like the character of Kumiko "Yankumi" Yamaguchi (I even have her pic as my avatar---what does that tell you?) We share a some characteristics (being a Geekette for instance). I also love the tension and friendship (perhaps something more??) between her and Shin Sawada.Wahaha! I suppose I'm too old for this. :D But I'm a Shin-Kumi fan! Can you believe that?

But seriously, I love the series for it's wonderful characters, story (humourous, tear-inducing, action scenes abound...weheheh) and values. Yep! Yankumi does impart values to her students and vice versa. I particularly like the episode in which they (that it to say Yankumi, Sawada, Uchi, Kumai & Minami) confront a teacher from another school (a more prestigious one) to prove Uchi's innocence (he got framed for shop-lifting). I love her "speech" there. Saying that you won't be able to know a person just by looking at him. Appearance is not a guarantee for behaviour (good or otherwise).

Another one is the "basketball-bully" episode. It gave us a glimpse of the young Yankumi, going home with scratches and minor injuries as a result of being bullied. It hit home because yours truly has been bullied (sort of) during my school days (kids can really be mean, although that is NOT an excuse to just pick on someone because he/she is different or "weaker" than yourself...I've said this too many times before). But the real catch in this episode is standing up for yourself when no one else would do it for you. I'm not sure I've been able to do that during my "target" days, but I believe that is how I should have handled it (but at least I got the "pick yourself up and move on" thing. I'm still alive thankfully).

*sigh* I sure am getting talkative eh?

That "Yuta" episode got me too. Especially the part when Yankumi found Yuta in the park (he was trying to master twirling on the sort of barrass believing he can finally see his mom when he does). Truly heartbreaking.

Ok have to go. Practice exercises on the tall order. ;D

2:30 PM - Ok back again. Just finished the practice exercises. :D It's work related if you must know. AHA (semi-loose) style pencils. Ah....lost my train of thought regarding Gokusen. Oh well. :D

What else? I'm really hungry. It's 3:46 am. haven't eaten anything since 10:00 pm. Have to dash to the nearest 7-11.

So uncivilized.... Some people just don't have the manners. Tsk. tsk. What would Obi-Wan say. Speaking of Obi-wan, I'm starting to appreciate him more and his wry humour.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Turning over a new leaf...

Playing: "How to Save a Life" by The Fray

Greta Garbo Vintage by ~leiaskywalker83 on deviantART

Well, this would be my first entry after a long, long time. I haven't got time to write anything these past few months. Been busy. Busy applying for jobs, drawing, bumming around, sleeping (yep! an age old hobby of mine). Finally, after resigning from Teleperformance (call center job), applying to several more call centers (i never seem to learn, do i?) - E-performax Makati and Convergys Alabang - I found a rather more suitable job for me. I am now a Penciller. Currently working on IAS Makati.

Bit ok. Gettting a bit depressed at times - normal in my case - finished a couple of drawings. *twinge of annoyance* Anyway, not much news about me. Arrgh! It's a bit weird, there are so many things I'd like to say, but now, facing the PC, I seem to have been "mental-blocked". wahahaha! ;p

Speaking of my new job, well, besides the fact that it is in line with my talents, it also pays rather well, great actually. Hope to hold on to this one for as long as I can. Although I'm planning to apply in Japan as a Caregiver. I'll get my passport ready this month. ;)

I really want to re-design this Blog, however I don't have that much time. Wanted it to have it's own design and such. But anyway.

Day Offs

Mostly on day offs I try to go home (ahhh, I've never truly appreciated our town until I came to live here in Makati). Bum around, watch movies, drawing etc.

Ten Years From Now

I asked my friends "How do you see yourself 10 years from now?" Apparently we all came up with the same answer...."I don't know". Why is that? Whenever I try to visualize myself 10 years into the future...I come up short. It's like hitting a rather foggy wall. One thing is for sure I don't expect to live that long.

Back on Earth

Bought a couple of books, I now have my own copy of HP 6. Plus American Gods, Four Past Midnight, The Remains of the Day (loved this one, The Hours (yep finally) and Lost in a Good Book (w/c I haven't read yet).

Watched a couple of movies during free time. The last one(s) being "Tristan and Isolde", which left quite an impression upon yours truly and the generally bland "Skeleton Key" (I already know how the story turns out before hand, so no surprises there).

On my 2nd re-read of HBP (can't seem to get enough of it)! What else? Tomorrow I'm on nightshift -wohooooo...scary. Then I get to go home! yey! I seem to see myself in Harry that weird or what??

I'm OUT of cash...SHIT! this is a HUGE problem! tsk! tsk!

Selene - Underworld 2 by ~leiaskywalker83 on deviantART

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

X-Men The Last Stand and the split personality case

Just saw X-Men 3. Albeit the P-Edition. ;P Loved it to the max. Especially Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix. She's my most favorite character. I'm working on a Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix portrait, too! Most memorable quote for me was:

Professor X: "We are mutants Jean. We are like you."
(young) Jean Grey: "Really? I doubt that."

I really liked that "split-persona" thing. :D
In fact I like a lot of characters with split/hidden personas. tee-hee. Especially those people with a quiet/controlled apprearance (like Jean Grey) but having highly destructive alternate personalities (..."all joy and desire...and rage" - charles xavier). Reminds me of...myself?? (wag naman sana!)

Ba't ko nasabi? Kasi pag nagagalit ako (iba yun sa mood swings o inis lang ha! - baka nga yung mood swings eh sign na rin according to psychologists - that is - as in cold, hard anger), parang hindi ko talaga sya na-icoclose, parang tumatago san yun napunta??

Actively working on Greta Garbo and the HP Trio (harry, ron, hermione). Greta Garbo will have my usual style, but the HP trio has a shall we say, sketchy style.

Work(s) In Progress:
- Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix
- Greta Garbo
- Harry Potter Trio

- Ripley & Jonesey (Aliens)
- Marv (Sin City)
- Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with the Vampire)
- Dakota Fanning
- Lara Croft

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Kill. Do not Kill.

Almost a month know since my new job.
Ano ba to?? Makapagtagalog na nga. Sa trabaho nga puro ingles na eh!

Et na naman po ako. Nakikipagbangasan sa mga customers. Ewan ko ba at sa customer service ako napapunta eh allergic nga ako sa mga tao! pag minamalas nga naman! pero malaki naman ang sweldo, di na bale.

I've been taking calls for almost a week (four hours). Like 35 calls a day's the average. Mas madugo next week, 6 hours of calls. Pero mas madugo sa trabahong totoo, 8 hours. Pero maganda nyan sweldo na next friday! yeepee! mabibili ko na yung "The Hours" by Michael Cunningham.

Had great customers though, I've got two who congratulated me (one even called me "dear") , as far as I can remember. Di naman sa pagyayabang ano, I got an award of sorts after product training, tapos napuri pa ko ng Supervisor ko sa Learning Lab (un ung mga live calls ang tinatanggap namin)...kasi konti lang nalimutan ko sa call flow etc, tapos mga 7mins lang yung AHT ko (average handling time) ko. Nagtatagal lang naman kasi sa bill lang.

Meron namang tanong ng tanong kung para saan yung mga charges sa bill nya (pero may kopya naman sya), samantalang may detailed breakdown dun sa baba...ingles naman yung bill (at amerikano sila), di bale sana kung arabic o nihonggo or worse cyrilic yung bill!
Our trainor told us once, "even though they're americans they don't understand english!"

Should have told them to use smoke signals or flaming arrows instead! Wag na sila magtelepono, para walang bill.

May mga sobrang bait (nakakataba ng puso), subali't nandiyan din ang mga may katok sa ulo (nakakulo ng dugo). So everytime an irate/stupid customer makes a call, two choices automatically pop-up (very much like an RPG choice box)..."Kill." "Do Not Kill" and most of the time I'm inclined to choose "kill".

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


by LifeHouse

you could be right and I'll be real
'cause I don't need your approval to find my worth
I've been trapped inside of my own mind
afraid to open my eyes to what I'd find
and I don't want to live like this anymore
there goes my pain, there goes my chains
did you see them fall, there goes this feeling
that has no meaning, there goes the world
off of my shoulders, there goes the world
off of my back, there it goes
does it scare you that I can be something different than you
would it make you feel more comfortable if I wasn't
you can't control me and you can't take away from me who I am
have you ever felt that your only comfort was your cage
you're not alone I have felt the same as you
have you ever felt like your secrets give you away
you're not alone I have been there, too
everyone is looking and everybody is laughing
but I think every one feels the same
everybody wants to feel okay, everybody wants to
everybodywants to feel 'cause you can't change me you can't break me
there goes the world, off of my shoulders
there goes the world, off of my back
'cause I don't want it.

Might be my last entry in a long while. ;p

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Green Day

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends

Like my fathers come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are

As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends

Ring out the bells again
Like we did when spring began
Wake me up when September ends

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are

As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends

Like my father's come to pass
Twenty years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends

Suffering again from "Randal Graves Syndrome"

Yes, my dear friends. The "Randal Graves Syndrome" has struck again. I must be crazy to be doing all the things I'm doing right at this very moment.It gets worse in fact. I mean, if ever there was a right time to utter words like "the hell", this is probably it...the HELL!!!

What in the name of the Force am I doing??! I can now hear someone saying, "You need to go home and re-think your life." What an awful waste the whole thing is. And yet...oh wtf??!
I'm starting to speak like a fifteen year old again.hehe. no offense to fifteen year olds everywhere.

By the way... my newest creation. Dwayne Hicks (United States Colonial Marines) from the the movie Aliens. Full view at: . My most detailed so far.

Dwayne Hicks - Aliens by ~leiaskywalker83 on deviantART

I also paid those books I ordered at Ebay. Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger & Mona Lisa Smile. I hope to receive them tomorrow or the next day. There's an awful lot of pressure on me now. Got to implement my plans sooner or later.