Book of the Moment: "Four Past Midnight" by Stephen King (and I thought I promised to lay off him for a while ;p)
Listening To: "Feel Your Breeze" by V6

Ok...back from my day off (two days - thursday and friday). Spent most of my thursday SLEEPING. Can you believe that?? After I got home I went straight to don't really know if it's to say the...BATHROOM. Had a bad case of stomach upset (and that's putting it lightly!) Thank the Force I did the bus. Geez!
So...AFTER that. I went to the "town proper" to get a few things done. First stop Video City (it's been kind of a routine, I rent three films - one "serious", one "thriller" and one "tagalog" - for my mum), where I got the the films mentioned above. Then I'm off to buy viand (as in "ulam") and have another CD written (finally I have my own copy of "How to Save a LIfe" by The Fray, ain't that great?) and back home again. Come evening I watched "Blue Moon" with mum. Quite a decent story (a Palanca-winning script after all), the ending and all this "Corazon-business" really threw us off as in "ganon pala yun!". Then there's "Flightplan" - a bit boredom-sleep inducing, and the protagonist gets a bit annoying at times (although that's quite understandable as she lost her daughter and all...Jodie Foster is still at her best and I think I've fallen in-love with Sean Bean's Captain character, next time I fly I want captains like this one - I'd really feel safe). I tried to watch "The Interpreter" too, but come on! it's 01:00 in the morning. I need my sleep so...I'd pass it for...
Friday Listened to my new CD (and imagined all sorts of MTVs). My cousin grace came along with my nephew (really cute kid he is). Watched "The Interpreter" (two times actually - once in the morning and once in the evening) and loved it tremendously....great story (although not without a few plot holes), great characters (and a few no-so-great). Nicole Kidman (hey...just noticed I've been watching a lot of Kidman flicks...though that is not intentional...I swear!) and Sean Penn did justice to their respective roles. Started a new drawing - Wolverine Last Stand - which I intend to finish this coming October. I'm getting lazy with these things lately - look at Anakin/Vader. Anyway, just to have something for the month of September, I'll make do with "The Potter Trio". I'll finish it next week and have it scanned! That thing's been rotting on my cabinet anyhow...I started it last July and what date it is now??? I'll DEFINITELY submit it! FAITO-0!!!
I also made a couple of "Get-Lists".
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