Playing: "How to Save a Life" by The Fray
Greta Garbo Vintage by ~leiaskywalker83 on deviantART
Well, this would be my first entry after a long, long time. I haven't got time to write anything these past few months. Been busy. Busy applying for jobs, drawing, bumming around, sleeping (yep! an age old hobby of mine). Finally, after resigning from Teleperformance (call center job), applying to several more call centers (i never seem to learn, do i?) - E-performax Makati and Convergys Alabang - I found a rather more suitable job for me. I am now a Penciller. Currently working on IAS Makati.
Bit ok. Gettting a bit depressed at times - normal in my case - finished a couple of drawings. *twinge of annoyance* Anyway, not much news about me. Arrgh! It's a bit weird, there are so many things I'd like to say, but now, facing the PC, I seem to have been "mental-blocked". wahahaha! ;p
Speaking of my new job, well, besides the fact that it is in line with my talents, it also pays rather well, great actually. Hope to hold on to this one for as long as I can. Although I'm planning to apply in Japan as a Caregiver. I'll get my passport ready this month. ;)
I really want to re-design this Blog, however I don't have that much time. Wanted it to have it's own design and such. But anyway.
Day Offs
Mostly on day offs I try to go home (ahhh, I've never truly appreciated our town until I came to live here in Makati). Bum around, watch movies, drawing etc.
Ten Years From Now
I asked my friends "How do you see yourself 10 years from now?" Apparently we all came up with the same answer...."I don't know". Why is that? Whenever I try to visualize myself 10 years into the future...I come up short. It's like hitting a rather foggy wall. One thing is for sure I don't expect to live that long.
Back on Earth
Bought a couple of books, I now have my own copy of HP 6. Plus American Gods, Four Past Midnight, The Remains of the Day (loved this one, The Hours (yep finally) and Lost in a Good Book (w/c I haven't read yet).
Watched a couple of movies during free time. The last one(s) being "Tristan and Isolde", which left quite an impression upon yours truly and the generally bland "Skeleton Key" (I already know how the story turns out before hand, so no surprises there).
On my 2nd re-read of HBP (can't seem to get enough of it)! What else? Tomorrow I'm on nightshift -wohooooo...scary. Then I get to go home! yey! I seem to see myself in Harry that weird or what??
I'm OUT of cash...SHIT! this is a HUGE problem! tsk! tsk!
Selene - Underworld 2 by ~leiaskywalker83 on deviantART
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