Tuesday, September 26, 2006
JediDawn Version 4.0
JediDawn Version 4.0 by ~leiaskywalker83-2 on deviantART
Would-be layout of Jedidawn. Hope I can stick around long enough to finish. :p Just a bit put out...wait...I've written this somewhere else...can't remember...
For the concept...most of it was pretty accidental. I make as I go...Actually this was supposed to be wallpaper. But then I decided to go ahead and make it an Interface anyway. The Padme and Leia concept was pretty nice IMHO. As an added touch I put Padme's words : "Be good little Senators. Mind your manners and keep your heads down. And keep doing… all those things we can't talk about. All those things I can't know. Promise me, Bail." But clipped some of it.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Attempt @ Photoshop-ing after so long...
Listening to: "Colder" by Charon
Star Wars Wallpaper by ~leiaskywalker83-2 on deviantART
Yey! What you see above is the result of my first attempt at making a wallpaper after 6 months or so. Used to waste my time making things like that when I still work at MSC (that was back in San Pablo).I forgot some techniques but thankfully, everything seems to be coming back gradually (I'm semi-satisfied with this one). I'm thinking of making another site layout or something. I'm still thinking of the concept though. ;D I plan to make more of these if I have time. But then...
Discovered another song today. I thought it was pretty neat. Shall I share it to you then?
[music: Charon, lyrics: J-P Leppäluoto]
Come along with the whispering cold and fall
They left you nothing more to seek from here
So roll the feast in flames unforgettable
Take a bow to end, reload your remorse
Every line is thorn bite through your eyes
Still remains the everlasting hope for a bitter war
If it has made you colder turning your life for justice
They have learned to obey
Broken the rules I followed, burning for name so hollow
I will learn to obey
Among the weak and heartless I can breath the air veiled just like them
Still remains the everlasting hope for a bitter war
If it has made you colder turning your life for justice
They have learned to obey
If it has made you colder
They have learned to obey
Broken the rules I followed
I will learn to obey
Star Wars Wallpaper by ~leiaskywalker83-2 on deviantART
Yey! What you see above is the result of my first attempt at making a wallpaper after 6 months or so. Used to waste my time making things like that when I still work at MSC (that was back in San Pablo).I forgot some techniques but thankfully, everything seems to be coming back gradually (I'm semi-satisfied with this one). I'm thinking of making another site layout or something. I'm still thinking of the concept though. ;D I plan to make more of these if I have time. But then...
Discovered another song today. I thought it was pretty neat. Shall I share it to you then?
[music: Charon, lyrics: J-P Leppäluoto]
Come along with the whispering cold and fall
They left you nothing more to seek from here
So roll the feast in flames unforgettable
Take a bow to end, reload your remorse
Every line is thorn bite through your eyes
Still remains the everlasting hope for a bitter war
If it has made you colder turning your life for justice
They have learned to obey
Broken the rules I followed, burning for name so hollow
I will learn to obey
Among the weak and heartless I can breath the air veiled just like them
Still remains the everlasting hope for a bitter war
If it has made you colder turning your life for justice
They have learned to obey
If it has made you colder
They have learned to obey
Broken the rules I followed
I will learn to obey
Friday, September 22, 2006
I Still Know What I Did These Past Two Days
Last Movie(s) Seen: The Interpreter; Flight Plan; Blue Moon
Book of the Moment: "Four Past Midnight" by Stephen King (and I thought I promised to lay off him for a while ;p)
Listening To: "Feel Your Breeze" by V6

Ok...back from my day off (two days - thursday and friday). Spent most of my thursday SLEEPING. Can you believe that?? After I got home I went straight to the...um...I don't really know if it's er...safe to say this...to the...BATHROOM. Had a bad case of stomach upset (and that's putting it lightly!) Thank the Force I did not...you know..at the bus. Geez!
So...AFTER that. I went to the "town proper" to get a few things done. First stop Video City (it's been kind of a routine, I rent three films - one "serious", one "thriller" and one "tagalog" - for my mum), where I got the the films mentioned above. Then I'm off to buy viand (as in "ulam") and have another CD written (finally I have my own copy of "How to Save a LIfe" by The Fray, ain't that great?) and back home again. Come evening I watched "Blue Moon" with mum. Quite a decent story (a Palanca-winning script after all), the ending and all this "Corazon-business" really threw us off as in "ganon pala yun!". Then there's "Flightplan" - a bit boredom-sleep inducing, and the protagonist gets a bit annoying at times (although that's quite understandable as she lost her daughter and all...Jodie Foster is still at her best and I think I've fallen in-love with Sean Bean's Captain character, next time I fly I want captains like this one - I'd really feel safe). I tried to watch "The Interpreter" too, but come on! it's 01:00 in the morning. I need my sleep so...I'd pass it for...
Friday Listened to my new CD (and imagined all sorts of MTVs). My cousin grace came along with my nephew (really cute kid he is). Watched "The Interpreter" (two times actually - once in the morning and once in the evening) and loved it tremendously....great story (although not without a few plot holes), great characters (and a few no-so-great). Nicole Kidman (hey...just noticed I've been watching a lot of Kidman flicks...though that is not intentional...I swear!) and Sean Penn did justice to their respective roles. Started a new drawing - Wolverine Last Stand - which I intend to finish this coming October. I'm getting lazy with these things lately - look at Anakin/Vader. Anyway, just to have something for the month of September, I'll make do with "The Potter Trio". I'll finish it next week and have it scanned! That thing's been rotting on my cabinet anyhow...I started it last July and what date it is now??? I'll DEFINITELY submit it! FAITO-0!!!
I also made a couple of "Get-Lists".
Book of the Moment: "Four Past Midnight" by Stephen King (and I thought I promised to lay off him for a while ;p)
Listening To: "Feel Your Breeze" by V6

Ok...back from my day off (two days - thursday and friday). Spent most of my thursday SLEEPING. Can you believe that?? After I got home I went straight to the...um...I don't really know if it's er...safe to say this...to the...BATHROOM. Had a bad case of stomach upset (and that's putting it lightly!) Thank the Force I did not...you know..at the bus. Geez!
So...AFTER that. I went to the "town proper" to get a few things done. First stop Video City (it's been kind of a routine, I rent three films - one "serious", one "thriller" and one "tagalog" - for my mum), where I got the the films mentioned above. Then I'm off to buy viand (as in "ulam") and have another CD written (finally I have my own copy of "How to Save a LIfe" by The Fray, ain't that great?) and back home again. Come evening I watched "Blue Moon" with mum. Quite a decent story (a Palanca-winning script after all), the ending and all this "Corazon-business" really threw us off as in "ganon pala yun!". Then there's "Flightplan" - a bit boredom-sleep inducing, and the protagonist gets a bit annoying at times (although that's quite understandable as she lost her daughter and all...Jodie Foster is still at her best and I think I've fallen in-love with Sean Bean's Captain character, next time I fly I want captains like this one - I'd really feel safe). I tried to watch "The Interpreter" too, but come on! it's 01:00 in the morning. I need my sleep so...I'd pass it for...
Friday Listened to my new CD (and imagined all sorts of MTVs). My cousin grace came along with my nephew (really cute kid he is). Watched "The Interpreter" (two times actually - once in the morning and once in the evening) and loved it tremendously....great story (although not without a few plot holes), great characters (and a few no-so-great). Nicole Kidman (hey...just noticed I've been watching a lot of Kidman flicks...though that is not intentional...I swear!) and Sean Penn did justice to their respective roles. Started a new drawing - Wolverine Last Stand - which I intend to finish this coming October. I'm getting lazy with these things lately - look at Anakin/Vader. Anyway, just to have something for the month of September, I'll make do with "The Potter Trio". I'll finish it next week and have it scanned! That thing's been rotting on my cabinet anyhow...I started it last July and what date it is now??? I'll DEFINITELY submit it! FAITO-0!!!
I also made a couple of "Get-Lists".
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I say...Feel Your Breeze....

Well, I'm nightshift today. I spent the rest of my day watching...what else? Gokusen Live Action. I bought the DVD (I guess the Japanese original was way better. GMA7 mutilated the show). I wasn't able to finish all the episodes (got as far as um...episode 10 - I'll finish it next week probably, mine eyes are already watering, been watching since 10:00 in the morning and I stopped at what...7:00 in the evening...can you say addicted). I can't even begin to say how much I like (no LOVE) the series. It's definitely dramatic (without being too blatant). I particularly like the character of Kumiko "Yankumi" Yamaguchi (I even have her pic as my avatar---what does that tell you?) We share a some characteristics (being a Geekette for instance). I also love the tension and friendship (perhaps something more??) between her and Shin Sawada.Wahaha! I suppose I'm too old for this. :D But I'm a Shin-Kumi fan! Can you believe that?
But seriously, I love the series for it's wonderful characters, story (humourous, tear-inducing, action scenes abound...weheheh) and values. Yep! Yankumi does impart values to her students and vice versa. I particularly like the episode in which they (that it to say Yankumi, Sawada, Uchi, Kumai & Minami) confront a teacher from another school (a more prestigious one) to prove Uchi's innocence (he got framed for shop-lifting). I love her "speech" there. Saying that you won't be able to know a person just by looking at him. Appearance is not a guarantee for behaviour (good or otherwise).
Another one is the "basketball-bully" episode. It gave us a glimpse of the young Yankumi, going home with scratches and minor injuries as a result of being bullied. It hit home because yours truly has been bullied (sort of) during my school days (kids can really be mean, although that is NOT an excuse to just pick on someone because he/she is different or "weaker" than yourself...I've said this too many times before). But the real catch in this episode is standing up for yourself when no one else would do it for you. I'm not sure I've been able to do that during my "target" days, but I believe that is how I should have handled it (but at least I got the "pick yourself up and move on" thing. I'm still alive thankfully).
*sigh* I sure am getting talkative eh?
That "Yuta" episode got me too. Especially the part when Yankumi found Yuta in the park (he was trying to master twirling on the sort of barrass believing he can finally see his mom when he does). Truly heartbreaking.
Ok have to go. Practice exercises on the tall order. ;D
2:30 PM - Ok back again. Just finished the practice exercises. :D It's work related if you must know. AHA (semi-loose) style pencils. Ah....lost my train of thought regarding Gokusen. Oh well. :D
What else? I'm really hungry. It's 3:46 am. haven't eaten anything since 10:00 pm. Have to dash to the nearest 7-11.
So uncivilized.... Some people just don't have the manners. Tsk. tsk. What would Obi-Wan say. Speaking of Obi-wan, I'm starting to appreciate him more and more...love his wry humour.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Turning over a new leaf...
Playing: "How to Save a Life" by The Fray
Greta Garbo Vintage by ~leiaskywalker83 on deviantART
Well, this would be my first entry after a long, long time. I haven't got time to write anything these past few months. Been busy. Busy applying for jobs, drawing, bumming around, sleeping (yep! an age old hobby of mine). Finally, after resigning from Teleperformance (call center job), applying to several more call centers (i never seem to learn, do i?) - E-performax Makati and Convergys Alabang - I found a rather more suitable job for me. I am now a Penciller. Currently working on IAS Makati.
Bit ok. Gettting a bit depressed at times - normal in my case - finished a couple of drawings. *twinge of annoyance* Anyway, not much news about me. Arrgh! It's a bit weird, there are so many things I'd like to say, but now, facing the PC, I seem to have been "mental-blocked". wahahaha! ;p
Speaking of my new job, well, besides the fact that it is in line with my talents, it also pays rather well, great actually. Hope to hold on to this one for as long as I can. Although I'm planning to apply in Japan as a Caregiver. I'll get my passport ready this month. ;)
I really want to re-design this Blog, however I don't have that much time. Wanted it to have it's own design and such. But anyway.
Day Offs
Mostly on day offs I try to go home (ahhh, I've never truly appreciated our town until I came to live here in Makati). Bum around, watch movies, drawing etc.
Ten Years From Now
I asked my friends "How do you see yourself 10 years from now?" Apparently we all came up with the same answer...."I don't know". Why is that? Whenever I try to visualize myself 10 years into the future...I come up short. It's like hitting a rather foggy wall. One thing is for sure I don't expect to live that long.
Back on Earth
Bought a couple of books, I now have my own copy of HP 6. Plus American Gods, Four Past Midnight, The Remains of the Day (loved this one, The Hours (yep finally) and Lost in a Good Book (w/c I haven't read yet).
Watched a couple of movies during free time. The last one(s) being "Tristan and Isolde", which left quite an impression upon yours truly and the generally bland "Skeleton Key" (I already know how the story turns out before hand, so no surprises there).
On my 2nd re-read of HBP (can't seem to get enough of it)! What else? Tomorrow I'm on nightshift -wohooooo...scary. Then I get to go home! yey! I seem to see myself in Harry Potter...is that weird or what??
I'm OUT of cash...SHIT! this is a HUGE problem! tsk! tsk!
Selene - Underworld 2 by ~leiaskywalker83 on deviantART
Greta Garbo Vintage by ~leiaskywalker83 on deviantART
Well, this would be my first entry after a long, long time. I haven't got time to write anything these past few months. Been busy. Busy applying for jobs, drawing, bumming around, sleeping (yep! an age old hobby of mine). Finally, after resigning from Teleperformance (call center job), applying to several more call centers (i never seem to learn, do i?) - E-performax Makati and Convergys Alabang - I found a rather more suitable job for me. I am now a Penciller. Currently working on IAS Makati.
Bit ok. Gettting a bit depressed at times - normal in my case - finished a couple of drawings. *twinge of annoyance* Anyway, not much news about me. Arrgh! It's a bit weird, there are so many things I'd like to say, but now, facing the PC, I seem to have been "mental-blocked". wahahaha! ;p
Speaking of my new job, well, besides the fact that it is in line with my talents, it also pays rather well, great actually. Hope to hold on to this one for as long as I can. Although I'm planning to apply in Japan as a Caregiver. I'll get my passport ready this month. ;)
I really want to re-design this Blog, however I don't have that much time. Wanted it to have it's own design and such. But anyway.
Day Offs
Mostly on day offs I try to go home (ahhh, I've never truly appreciated our town until I came to live here in Makati). Bum around, watch movies, drawing etc.
Ten Years From Now
I asked my friends "How do you see yourself 10 years from now?" Apparently we all came up with the same answer...."I don't know". Why is that? Whenever I try to visualize myself 10 years into the future...I come up short. It's like hitting a rather foggy wall. One thing is for sure I don't expect to live that long.
Back on Earth
Bought a couple of books, I now have my own copy of HP 6. Plus American Gods, Four Past Midnight, The Remains of the Day (loved this one, The Hours (yep finally) and Lost in a Good Book (w/c I haven't read yet).
Watched a couple of movies during free time. The last one(s) being "Tristan and Isolde", which left quite an impression upon yours truly and the generally bland "Skeleton Key" (I already know how the story turns out before hand, so no surprises there).
On my 2nd re-read of HBP (can't seem to get enough of it)! What else? Tomorrow I'm on nightshift -wohooooo...scary. Then I get to go home! yey! I seem to see myself in Harry Potter...is that weird or what??
I'm OUT of cash...SHIT! this is a HUGE problem! tsk! tsk!
Selene - Underworld 2 by ~leiaskywalker83 on deviantART
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