Thursday, September 22, 2005

+ Estelio han, Estelio han, Estelio veleth +

Arwen Evenstar Portrait
(as played by Liv Tyler)

By Ayo M.R (moi!)

Ú i vethed nâ i onnad
Si boe ú-dhanna
Ae ú-esteli, esteliach nad
Nâ boe ú i
Estelio han, estelio han, estelio
Estelio han, estelio veleth

"Evenstar" by Howard Shore
(in Sindarin)

Music: "Liberi Fatali" - Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy VIII OST
(via Professor X's PC...tehehehe!)

Feeling very lethargic today.
Woke up at 7:00. And fell asleep again.
I feel like sleeping. That or bashing my head against the computer screen.

I want to go home to Middle Earth. heh. I want vast open fields, unspoilt forests, free environs...every time I read/watch LotR, I get homesick for reasons I can't explain.

WAAAH! I forgot to get my drawing book at Data Exchange!! I have to go and retrieve it tomorrow. (Saturday) *sigh*

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