Music: "Not Meant For Me" by Static-X
Reading: "Dark Side of the Moon" by Jean Farwiq - it's a fanfiction, but an exceptionally good one.
"'s plain to see...that you want me to's killing me...let's've got the gall....the jury is coming...coming to tear me apart...all this bitching and moaning...I'm trapped in this world..that's not meant for me...." - Not Meant For Me (Queen of the Damned OST)
Singing along with The Vampire Lestat last Sunday (with fellow weirdoes - otherwise known as my bestfriends). Our sentiments exactly. ;)
I suddenly remembered. I'm a geek. Eek! You got that feeling. Always off balance with something. Questioning everything. Seeing things you are not "supposed" to see. I've had few chances to meet semi like-minded individuals (my current bestfriends). Sometimes I get annoyed by their occasional shallowness. But that could be tolerated. Our friendship was -is- based on "vibes". That's how I normaly choose friends. If my intuition tells me "this person is worthy" (and it's rarely wrong)...I go for it. But if not, I avoid the person like the plague. Especially if I detect a hint of duplicity. It's the same with them. Most of the time we don't even need to talk, just the "look", and we know what each other was thinking.
Last, last week, sitting with them at "Parasite Eve Alley" (the back of the One-Stop shop), we were discussing whether God created Man or was it the other way around? I'm inclined to believe the latter.
Anyway, just read the "Old Testament" and you'll see how "moody" and "irrational" Yahweh could be. Very evident on Moses' Journey to the Promised Land. *wink*
If God does exist, like the Bible says...we are created in His God must not be the benevolent, loving entity we believe Him to be, not all the time anyway. I think he's got a nasty sense of humour and a liking for irony, too. Another quote from The Green Mile: "if bad things happen, God lets it happen...and when we say, 'I don't understand', God replies, 'I don't care'" and "The Mothman Prophecies" : "you are more advanced than a cockroach, ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?"
The Buddists got their "model" of God right. Instead of two separate entities (one good, one evil), they "merged" the image. One cannot exist without the other. How will you be able to tell what is "good" if you don't know what's "evil"? Can't take the Yin and still have the Yang, can you??
And besides, the world is not divided between good and evil people. That kind of narrow-minded thinking sickens me.
Out for now.
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