Trip to SM Lucena
Went to Lucena with two bestfriends last Saturday (Sept. 03). Decided to tag along at the last minute. I wanted to canvas for book prices at National Bookstore. Some books I "marked":
- The Dark Tower Series (Stephen King) - I was ovejoyed and nearly keeled over when I found out that they've got DT III, IV and V. Been looking for them last, last year.
- Neverwhere / American Gods (Neil Gaiman)
- Dracula (Bram Stoker) - I have the PDF version but I want it officially on my collection.
- Blood & Gold / Memnoch the Devil (Anne Rice) - I found them mildly interesting.
- The Da Vinci Code / Angels and Demons (Dan Brown) - very interesting but I'd rather "download" it!
I also convinced my friend Dona to buy "The Green Mile" by Stephen King. Practically "demonized" (our term for relentless persuasion techniques) her into buying it. Speaking of "The Mile". I re-read the end parts last night and couldn't help myself, so I made an impromptu illustration of the last passage (which also happened to be my favourite):
"Sometimes I doze and I see that underpass in the rain, with John Coffey standing beneath it in the shadows. It's never just a trick of the eye in these little dreams; it's always him for sure, my big boy, just standing there and watching.
I think about my Janice, how I lost her. How she ran away red through my fingers in the rain and I wait. We each owe a death, there are no exceptions, I know that. But sometimes, oh God, the green mile is so long."
No pre-sketch. Just plain marker. I was in a frenzy.:D
Rammstein Music
I'm in "love" with their music. They've got it perfectly. A combination of haunting orchestral tunes and raging guitars. And the lyrics...just perfect! None of the annoying sacharrine-sweetness found in most "hit" songs. My most favourite tunes include: "Sonne" (sun), "Ich Will" (I want), "Spieluhr" (Music Box), "Morgenstern" (morning star), "Feur Frei" (Fire at Will!). "Du Hast" (You Have...could also be You Hate) and many others. Their music has an air of "predictable unpredictability". You know, starts soft and haunting, then gets all loud and angsty and back again at unpredictable intervals. Sort of a "schizophrenic" flow...(wahahaha!) What other songs were like that? Ummm... Sa Yuri's "Light and Darkness" and "Garden of Eden" by Bridge (very evident in the chorus), Metallica's "Unforgiven" and "Forsaken" by Disturbed were all I could think of for now as they're at the bottom of my playlist.
You Got Zinged!
I was answering our "Seven Habits" workbook and these particular questions jumped off the page.
What are you unhappy about or frustrated by? For example, do you feel powerless, hopeless, or used? Describe the situation.
Is you language more proactive or reactive?
Powerless? Nope. I actually feel quite powerful in the sense that I can "translate" my thoughts through my art. Hopeless? Not entirely (depends on my depressive cycle). Used? used? Not so. But I don't feel "in heaven" either! But what?!
My language & thought patterns could be described as "slightly on the sarcastic side" (I'm channeling Professor Snape most of the time). I suppose it belongs on the reactive category as you are NOT supposed to "snipe at" and "zing" everyone. But I'm not "zinging" everyone per se. Just the few unfortunate souls who got on my wrong side (these days I just bite my tongue and keep quiet or "edit" my words, because when I speak my mind in it's undiluted form... it usually has some "unpleasant" result). Errrr....that's not right either, I know! (the way this book narrates, you are supposed to come out an angel afterwards...?) But, hey sarcasm is fun. Except for the "target". :)
Describe the situation. It's not a situation really. It's something entirely elusive. It's like groping on thin air. You know it's there but can't identify it. It's everywhere and nowhere; everything and nothing. Hmmm...existential reasons? What existential reasons??! Go ask Van Gogh!
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