Friday, September 23, 2005

"Liberi Fatali" and other thoughts

Music: "Vide Cor Meum" - Hannibal OST
"...Shameless filthy wretches."
"How you celebrate my ascension with such joy."
"Hailing the very one whom you have condemned for generations."
"Have you no shame?"
"What happened to the evil, ruthless sorceress from your fantasies?"
"The cold-blooded tyrant that slaughtered countless men and destroyed many nations?"
"Where is she now?"
"She stands before your very eyes to become your new ruler.
Sorceress Edea (Ultimecia) - Final Fantasy VIII
-during her ascencion speech on Deling City, Galbadia-

I miss FFVIII. Might play tomorrow. Haven't played the game for eons. Complex gameplay and story. The speech above was one of my most favourite lines during the game, demonstrates the danger of extreme "collectivism" and the general stupidity of the "mob" -otherwise known as the citizens of Galbadia - (they were cheering the whole time, seemingly unaware that they had just been insulted! - it's like "The Emperor's New Clothes" -)

What else? I must look very old. Because I have been referred to as "ma'am" and "po" by tricycle drivers, salesclerks, and the like. It happened again this morning. teh! Not that I am complaining too much, just a random observation. It's a bit funny.

And what's more, I have also been called "Sir" on several occasions. It gets irritating at times. (reminded me of Tilda Swinson's experience - she had been searched in the airport by a male security guard and addressed as "Sir" many times, which she attributes to her not wearing much make-up and presumably not dressing like a "proper lady", not to mention being extra tall). But like Tilda, I have no plans to change anything for their benefit. I'm comfortable this way.

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